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The City of Svellaros

"The city of the rising rose, a city of industry, a city of progress, a city for the future."







The Colleges

The three part emphasis is evident in the most visual display in the city, the Colleges of the Rose. The colleges are a form of workers union, sanctioned by the government, in order to allow guaranteed representation to a diverse group of interconnected people, the industrious folks who build the foundation of our great city. This system enforces our ideals of what a true city of industry must be as a political entity and as a force of progress.

A Focus on Luxury Goods

A great city must set itself apart, while growth flows through the stem, it's our dedication to quality luxury product, in our current focus within the textile industry, that creates the petals for which we are famous. The colleges showcase this relationship in its most basic structure where the stem and the petals make up our most basic needs and our highest luxuries, respectively. What it leaves us with is our lifeline, the thorns.

May the Thorns Protect Us

The most important aspect of a rose is the thorns that allow it to survive. It's the thorns that prevent it from being eaten, it's the thorns that allow it time to grow and flourish, and our thorns are our people. The mighty people of the arbor guard, the military, and the people who keep our streets safe at night. It is they who carry arms into battle and represent the courage of our people as we move forward through the ages.

Designed to be the cornerstone of what the Alliance represents, the city specializes its economy around luxury goods and high-end products, requiring a truly diverse trade network.  The city itself is surrounded by fields of flowers to support its burgeoning dye industry and fosters great monuments and prime real estate in order to promote celebrity in community and cultural exportation. We want to be the central social hub of Elyria. If luck and placement permits, we want to be where a roleplay community can foster, where great armies rise, where the leading scientific discoveries are made, where your story is told.

What sets our city apart is our main focus, community. We understand the basic tenants of what a city needs to thrive, but what makes a city important is the welcoming community that makes it feel like home and not just any place to be. This is why our focus on community can be summarized into three parts; diversity, quality, and industry.

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