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The Nine Colleges of the Rose

The colleges are a representation of both our symbology and our commitment to the workers and the people of our city. Each college represents both a blanket category and acts as a union to allow each group a greater and more direct say in the workings of their government beyond money and power. Industry as the governing body, for Svellaros is an enterprise, a greater entity in which we all are represented by in some way, and it’s prosperity is our prosperity.


The Colleges in Government

The voted representatives of each college are required to wear a specific garb to denote their status during public events within the city. The representatives and the voter populace attend meetings cyclically to decide further agenda’s. At certain events in a, most likely, quarterly voting event we will decide the representative for our respective college. The representatives will then vote in their Grand Architect, a role that checks the Magistrate and facilitates the desires of the people with the Magistrate at their side.

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